Marriott, the huge hospitality chain, had its Starwood guest reservation database hacked near the end of 2018, with 500 million guests’ reservation information vulnerable. Names, passport numbers, email and mailing addresses, and even credit card details were taken.
Law enforcement is involved and continues to support the investigation into how and who exactly carried out this cyberattack — one of the biggest cyberattacks of personal data ever.
Cybersecurity is more important than ever before — for large businesses and small — as hackers get smarter and attack in new ways.
Small businesses are even more vulnerable to attack as their security is often less intricate and not as complete as larger businesses. And as mentioned above with Marriott and its hack, even more-intricate and complete cybersecurity solutions can be infiltrated, making an all-inclusive cybersecurity solution essential.
Eliminate the risk of cyberattacks with scalable, turnkey IntelliSecure managed security and unified threat management (UTM) services.
Get complete security services tailored to your unique business environment with IntelliSecure. They allow you to take advantage of the latest technologies and industry standards without the associated infrastructure, management, and support costs.
With IntelliSecure, you get:
- A complete, turnkey security solution
- Proactive security monitoring
- Secure, encrypted, remote administration
- Comprehensive support, including security patches and updates, as required
Protect your business’ data from all kinds of cyberattacks with IntelliSyn’s complete, scalable IntelliSecure services.
Contact IntelliSyn today to learn more about how IntelliSecure will protect your business from hackers.