A serious weakness in the WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access) protocol has been found, allowing attackers to intercept passwords, emails, and data on devices or access points within close range.
In other cases, ransomware or other malware is injected into a website a client is visiting.
Known as KRACK (short for Key Reinstallation Attacks), this attack affects the core WPA2 protocol and exploits normally encrypted data, especially on devices running Android, Linux, and OpenBSD.
While there are other ways to help with protection, like using HTTPS-protected web pages, this extra protection can still be bypassed by exploiting this weakness.
If possible, using a wired connection over Wi-Fi is ideal until patches become available and are applied to your devices.
This is an extremely serious issue that can drastically affect your privacy and personal information. We strongly encourage you to contact IntelliSyn today for more information on how to keep your personal and business Wi-Fi devices safe.