With all of the extreme weather and the subsequent destruction it causes happening in the U.S. recently, businesses of all sizes are inevitably having their data and files damaged or destroyed.
Extreme weather can’t be avoided, and often doesn’t give you much time to safeguard your business tech before it hits.
Being without power equals lost revenue for those that work online. That’s why it’s essential to keep your tech safe before extreme weather hits with these easy and time-effective steps:
- Take pictures: Take photos of all tech equipment in case there is the need to claim any damaged or destroyed property for insurance purposes. Businesses tend to forget how valuable equipment is, and taking pictures will ensure all property is documented and able to be compensated for if extreme weather is detrimental.
- Back everything up: Back up all business data and files on the cloud to ensure no data or file loss during extreme weather if equipment is compromised. This ensures future access of the data you’ve backed up.
- Update voicemail: Set a new voicemail message to make callers, clients, and customers aware of your business’ situation during extreme weather. This will explain your situation instead of leaving callers confused and uninformed.
- Charge batteries: Always charge your tech batteries to ensure the longest possible life of your devices in case of extreme weather. Charged batteries will help immensely.
Protect your business data and files during extreme weather with these simple, effective precautionary steps that all businesses can benefit from.
Contact IntelliSyn today to learn more about how to protect your business tech from extreme weather.